It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA!
It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
After doing the meme for a couple of weeks, we realized this would be a fun meme to start up with a kidlit focus - anyone reading and reviewing books in children's literature - it can be picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, you name it in the world of kidlit and it's in! We have loved being a part of this meme and we hope you do too! We encourage everyone participating to go and visit the other kidlit book bloggers that link up and to comment on as many posts as you can. We love talking books and believe in sharing and discussing what we're reading. We hope you join us!
Last Week's Book Adventures:
Jen Says: I've been consumed with my work-in-progress from the summer and Teachers Write all week. I have been working on my revisions and it's exciting and work at the same time. I have a totally different respect for authors now. Writing did take a way from my reading but I feel great about everything I accomplished this week so it's all good!
I did manage to finish The Talent Code and Bird by Bird. They were both really interesting. Bird by Bird was a gem of a book for writing ideas though. I loved it. If you are thinking of joining in on Teachers Write this summer, make sure you get On Writing by Stephen King and Bird by Bird by Ann Lamott on your TBR!
This year also decided I'm going to do a picture version of #bookaday. The plan is to read a book everyday and take a picture with a that book. I'll share it on Twitter with the hashtag #bookpic. (They are clearer and much easier to see there.) I debated adding this to my 2013 Bookish Un-Boring List but I didn't...this is kind of like a bonus! I'm not going to list all the books here but if you can't read the titles from the pictures go ahead and check my GoodReads page. I also read a few other picture books!!
I did manage to finish The Talent Code and Bird by Bird. They were both really interesting. Bird by Bird was a gem of a book for writing ideas though. I loved it. If you are thinking of joining in on Teachers Write this summer, make sure you get On Writing by Stephen King and Bird by Bird by Ann Lamott on your TBR!
This year also decided I'm going to do a picture version of #bookaday. The plan is to read a book everyday and take a picture with a that book. I'll share it on Twitter with the hashtag #bookpic. (They are clearer and much easier to see there.) I debated adding this to my 2013 Bookish Un-Boring List but I didn't...this is kind of like a bonus! I'm not going to list all the books here but if you can't read the titles from the pictures go ahead and check my GoodReads page. I also read a few other picture books!!
Kellee Says: Unfortunately, my #bookaday for the holidays didn't make it all of the way through. These last 2 days I have been getting reading to go back to school and haven't been able to read; however, before that I did get read a #bookaday! First, I read Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen which was given to me by a friend because she was so surprised I hadn't read it yet and I really loved it. The library lion is so sweet! The complete opposite type of book is what I read next - My Friend Dahmer by Derf Backderf which I thought I wasn't going to enjoy (and enjoy may not be the right word), but it was very well done and I read it in one sitting. It is quite fascinating (and very sad). As for my audiobook, I finished Spiderwick: The Seeing Stone (#2) and I like that the books are getting more meaty. The first one was very exposition-y, but we're now getting into the rising action. I then read 2 fantastic books which I will definitely be reviewing and sharing with you - Endangered by Eliot Schrefer (one to add to my Ape Book List) and Hattie Ever After by Kirby Larson which I think was even better than the first one. I cannot wait to gush about them to you!
Just click on any link above to go visit the post
Upcoming Book Adventures:
Jen Says: I'm excited to get back to work because it means more audiobooks! I think I'm going to start with Tribes on audio because I heard it referenced so much at NCTE amongst Nerdy Book Clubbers. I also have Outliers to read as a physical book. I plan to get back to Hide and Seek and will be rereading Curveball by Jordan Sonnenblick (maybe on audio??) because Colby and I are starting our Reading Along I-94 book club again. (It's so crazy that Kellee is going to be reading it this week, too!)
Kellee Says: The next book I'm going to start is Curveball by Jordan Sonnenblick which if it is as good as Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie, then I'll love it (and I may like it even better because it has baseball and photography!). Hopefully I can finish Curveball and then I am going to jump into some of the books I have graciously been given to review. I'm going to continue listening to The Spiderwick Chronicles in my car and I will get through more now that I am driving to school again (though I am car pooling 2 days a week).
This Week's Reviews:

Kellee's Semi-Bookish 2013 Un-Boring List
Check back throughout the week to hear about these books.
So, what are you reading this week?
Link up below and don't forget to check out other blogs to see what they are reading!
To help build our community and support other bloggers,
we ask that you please try to comment on at least the three blogs that posted before you.
Also, if you tweet about your Monday post, don't forget to use #IMWAYR!
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