It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA!
It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a weekly blog hop I co-host with Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers. The original IMWAYR, with an adult literature focus, was started by Sheila at Book Journeys and is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.
It's a great way to share what you're reading and get recommendations. We encourage you to write your own post sharing what you’re reading, link up below, leave a comment, and support other IMWAYR bloggers by visiting and commenting on at least three of the other linked blogs.
Last Week's Adventures:
Well...I'm still listening to How the Word Is Passed by Clint Smith and still reading Supriya Kelkar's book Strong as Fire, Fierce as Flame. Last week was the last full week of school so it meant final grades and field day and a field trip. Lots of fun but also lots to recover from.
This Week's Adventures:
I'll keep reading Strong as Fire, Fierce as Flame and listening to How the Word Is Passed this week. My last day of school is Tuesday. It's not only the last day of school but also my last day in District 75. It's bittersweet because I adore the students and our community but I'm also looking forward to a new experience at Bannockburn School.
Did you see that sign up for Teachers Write is up? Check out the details and sign up
here. Woo hoo!
What are you reading this week?
Link up below and check out other blogs to see what they're reading!
To help build our community and support other bloggers,
we ask that you comment on at least three other blogs before you.
Also, if you tweet about your Monday post, don't forget to use #IMWAYR!