It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA!
It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
After doing the meme for a couple of weeks, we realized this would be a fun meme to start up with a kidlit focus - anyone reading and reviewing books in children's literature - it can be picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, you name it in the world of kidlit and it's in! We have loved being a part of this meme and we hope you do too! We encourage everyone participating to go and visit the other kidlit book bloggers that link up and to comment on as many posts as you can. We love talking books and believe in sharing and discussing what we're reading. We hope you join us!
Last Week's Book Adventures:
Jen Says: I followed Katherine's lead and decided to make an Animoto video to show you and my students what I read over spring break. I loved being able to participate in #bookaday!
Make a video of your own at Animoto.
Kellee Says: Man! I wanted to make an Animoto video too, but I really think my school has paid for an account so I didn't want to sign up before I found out. So, I am going to do this the old fashioned way:
I had a pretty good spring break reading wise. I read 5 novels, 3 picture books and 2 graphic novels (a bit less than I'd hoped as I was so busy during break, but still pretty good I'd say). I am in the middle of 2 novels as we speak as well, so we'll see if I can get one more finished today.
Novels- I read Marty McGuire Digs Worms! by Kate Messner which was as good as the first, See you at Harry's by Jo Knowles which broke my heart, The Humming Room by Ellen Potter which was a magical story, Trapped by Michael Northrop which kept me on the edge of my seat and Starclimber by Kenneth Oppel which is the last in the Matt Cruse series and I am so sad it is over. We have reviews schedule for the first three, so you can check back to learn more about them.
Picture Books- Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomberos by Susan Middleton Elya, illustrated by Dan Santat which is a wonderful bilingual book about the bravery of fire fighters, Big Turtle by David McLimans which is a Native American folk tale and Those Rebels, John & Tom by Barbara Kerley which is a great nonfiction picture book about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
Graphic Novels- The Unsinkable Walker Bean by Aaron Renier which is a swashbuckling adventure that lost me at parts (but the artwork was amazing and I liked the story) and Wonderland by Tommy Kovac which is a fun adventure in Lewis Carrol's world of Wonderland that follows the adventures of Mary Anne, the white rabbits house maid, as she offends the queen and must escape to save her life.
I'd say not so bad :)
I had a pretty good spring break reading wise. I read 5 novels, 3 picture books and 2 graphic novels (a bit less than I'd hoped as I was so busy during break, but still pretty good I'd say). I am in the middle of 2 novels as we speak as well, so we'll see if I can get one more finished today.
Novels- I read Marty McGuire Digs Worms! by Kate Messner which was as good as the first, See you at Harry's by Jo Knowles which broke my heart, The Humming Room by Ellen Potter which was a magical story, Trapped by Michael Northrop which kept me on the edge of my seat and Starclimber by Kenneth Oppel which is the last in the Matt Cruse series and I am so sad it is over. We have reviews schedule for the first three, so you can check back to learn more about them.
Picture Books- Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomberos by Susan Middleton Elya, illustrated by Dan Santat which is a wonderful bilingual book about the bravery of fire fighters, Big Turtle by David McLimans which is a Native American folk tale and Those Rebels, John & Tom by Barbara Kerley which is a great nonfiction picture book about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
Graphic Novels- The Unsinkable Walker Bean by Aaron Renier which is a swashbuckling adventure that lost me at parts (but the artwork was amazing and I liked the story) and Wonderland by Tommy Kovac which is a fun adventure in Lewis Carrol's world of Wonderland that follows the adventures of Mary Anne, the white rabbits house maid, as she offends the queen and must escape to save her life.
I'd say not so bad :)
Just click on any picture above to go read the review.
Upcoming Book Adventures:
Jen Says: It's time for It's A-Okay to Reread in April! I am so excited. I have been anticipating this for a long time. I have a pile of awesome books that I am ready and so delighted to be able to reread this month. Usually, I explain that I don't reread books and it seems foreign to me when I hear of people who have read a certain book multiple times. There are only a few books I have reread in my life. One of those is my all-time favorite book Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I am starting by rereading that and I am going to first listen to Graceling by Kristin Cashore and then I'll listen to the audio of Wonder by RJ Palacio who is coming to Anderson's on April 14th. After TTW I'll be rereading Charlotte's Web to discuss with Colby this month. Are you rereading anything this month?
Kellee Says: Just thinking about going back to my busy (er) schedule makes the reader in me sad. I have no idea what I am going to get read. I mostly have YA and MG novels waiting for me, so I will be reading as many of them as possible. I hope to finish the 2 I have started and hopefully a couple more. We'll see. Wish me luck!
This Week's Reviews:

Check back throughout the week to hear about these books.
So, what are you reading this week?
Please link up below and don't forget to check out other blogs to see what they are reading!
You were both busy with some great books and reviews this week. I love the idea of a dedicated time to re-read books. I'm planning to re-read To Kill a Mockingbird every year. I think I'll add Charlotte's Web to that challenge though, too!
ReplyDeleteLorna (@notforlunch)