Sunday, December 16, 2018

Game Changer! Book Access for All Kids Giveaway

Lately I've been reflecting on all the wonderful people who are in my life. Thanks to Twitter, I have friends all over the country and even in different parts of the world. I know social media has Hit's downsides but it has allowed me to connect and learn from so many wonderful people who have made me a better person in some way, shape, or form. 

And when I think of Twitter and everyone I've ever connected through Twitter, I think of Donalyn Miller. To be honest, I got on Twitter after I saw Ashton Kutcher talk about wanting to be the first person to reach one million followers. At the time he was married to Demi Moore and the idea of celebrities sharing a glimpse into their own lives was interesting to me. So I signed up. 

But then I read The Book Whisperer and I found Donalyn on Twitter. It seems like every time I see her I tell her again how she changed my life but it's sincerely true. 

Twitter is also where I first "met" Colby too and we bonded over I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen. Since then, I've learned so much from both Donalyn and Colby. I've learned to be unabashedly passionate about my love of books and reading and in sharing that with others. Our wild love of reading shouldn't be contained and in Game Changer! Book Access for All Kids they remind us how we cannot allow it to be contained because kids need us. We are the change agents, we are the readers kids need, we can make an impact. 

Here is my favorite quote from the book:

"Without access to books, the persistent gap between 
children who have access and those who don't will remain. 
Our students will not reach their full potential without books, 
regardless of the education reforms schools implement." (p. 8)

The book is filled with idea after idea and story after story, from Donalyn and Colby and from other amazing educators who are doing great work. While I most appreciate the specific examples and stories from the field, there is research to support everything (we all know certain people who want to see the research!). I'm so excited to share Game Changer! and offer a giveaway thanks to Scholastic because it's an important book that I know will help change the game for kids out there who need us and need book. 

Thanks to Scholastic
for sending me a copy of this book to review 
and for partnering with me for this giveaway.


  1. Thank you so much for the chance. I've been excited about this book! <3

  2. Twitter has changed our lives too :) So glad we can connect with you and be part of #IMWAYR.


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