Earlier this week, I had someone ask for some recommendations of books that have science content within them and a couple of years ago I was asked for books with math content. These requests has made me realize that there may be other teachers out there that may want some of these same recommendations. Today I will share with you the science books I recommended and next week I'll share the math books.
This list contains books I recommended to an 8th grade science teacher. He wanted books that weren't directly "science" books but that had science elements within them. Next to each book I've included how the book connects with the content. You can also click on the cover and it will take you to my review or its Goodreads summary.
Novels with Science Content
The books listed include some I have read as well as books that were shared by the science teacher who asked me for the list as well as books shared with me through Twitter when I asked for some help. Thank you to @mselke01 @thebrainlair @Hannahlily & @Loveofxena.

Archimedes, Physics, Autopsy

Meteor hits moon and the effects from the disaster

Same as above, companion book

Space exploration, Space science


Medical (Virology), Yellow fever epidemic

Fictionalized account of same epidemic


Geology, Yellowstone eruption



Technology, Game simulation

hiroptologist (Study of bats)

Alchemy, Medical

Plastic surgery, Technology, Oil contamination (though it is further in the series)

Ornithology (Study of birds)

Animal testing, Chimp acquisition of language (ASL), Deafness

Zoology, Airships

NASA Apollo Mission, National Audubon Society

Space science (Low gravity, alien technology, space craft, space station)


Medical, Thyphoid Epidemic

Genetic engineering, Mechanics

Microbiology, Flu epidemic, Quarantine


Subsea settlement

Global warming, Oil
Linguistics, Animal testing, Chimp acquisition of language (ASL)

Space science, Space ship, Computer, Cryonics




Climbing Mt. Everest


Space race

Space Race

Teenager climbing Mt. Everest
What books would you add to this list? Comment below and let me know.
Also check out the comments for some great additions!
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