
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The One Where I See The Forest #sol15

Every Tuesday, I participate in the Slice of Life challenge at Two Writing Teachers. If you want to participate, you can link up at their Slice of Life Story Post on Tuesdays or you can just head on over there to check out other people's stories. For more information on what a Slice of Life post is about, you can go here

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Little Bean adores my mom. He always asks to go to Gramma's house and oftentimes will turn to me and say, "I miss Gramma". We'll Facetime Gramma or assure him he'll see her again soon. I'm super lucky to have both of my parents in my life and I'm so thankful that my kids get to know them and grow up spending time with them. 

Today, my mom sent me a Vox. 
(Yes! My mom uses Voxer, she's cool like that.) 
She said:

"I just wanted to let you know
while I'm thinking of it
and before I forget
Danny was watching a show over the weekend
when he turned around and looked at me
and he head tears in his eyes
and he said
'I miss my Mommy'."

Of course, I know he loves me and I'm so happy to be his mom and do the best I can to help him have a great childhood. His face lights up when I pick him up from school and he loves to sit near me and snuggle. As much as I try to notice these moments and cherish them in real time, they still come amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

Sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees 
but today wasn't one of those days. 

I'm so glad my mom sent me that message and reminded me again that being a mom is an amazing gift I've been given. 

In teaching, it's easy to get lost in the trees - the paperwork, the deadlines, the assemblies, the homework turned in with no name - and not see the forest. But if we stop and step back, we can see that the work we are doing is powerful and that the forest we've tended is beautiful. It's an amazing job we get to do. And it's worth it. 

Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees
but today doesn't have to be one of those days.
Smile, laugh, take a deep breath, let it out.
Focus on the forest and find fulfillment.

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