
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The One With SUP PaddleBoard Yoga!

Every Tuesday, I participate in the Slice of Life challenge at Two Writing Teachers. If you want to participate, you can link up at their Slice of Life Story Post on Tuesdays or you can just head on over there to check out other people's stories. For more information on what a Slice of Life post is about, you can go here

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I'm always up for a challenge but the thought of falling into Lake Michigan in June when it's still a chilly sixty-some degrees did sound a little nerve-wracking. The instructor assured me that only 30% of people fall in during stand-up paddleboard yoga and I was hoping I wouldn't be part of that 30%. Lucky for me, I wasn't and I had an amazing time during both paddleboard yoga classes I took with Royal Pigeon Yoga at 31st Street Harbor in Chicago. 

The first two pictures below are from my first class. It was a beautiful Sunday morning and the weather was completely perfect. We had a small class, there were only three of us. I was nervous but amazed by how in tune with the board I felt by the end. At the end of the class, it was so relaxing to close my eyes and listen to the water as I floated there on my back. It made me think of all the visits to the beach when I was growing up and how I much I love the water.

I wasn't sure how it would feel to try wheel pose on the board but I tried and I didn't fall in!
These next set of pictures is from the second class I took. It was a foggy Sunday morning and we had a much larger group. My friend, Lauren, went with me to both of the classes but this time, I convinced my husband and my mom to come down to the beach with my kids. I'm such a fan of 31st Street Harbor. Early in the morning, it's a really easy drive for us, the parking is like street parking, where you just pay the meter, and the beach and the clubhouse is beautiful. There is a great park where they kids can play and the Lake Shore Drive bike path goes right past it. 

I'm on the right...I wanted to get a feel for the handstand on the paddleboard but I need more practice!
Paddleboard yoga is a completely different kind of experience compared to yoga on land. I feel like my core is engaged the whole time I'm on the board so it challenged my muscles in such a unique way. There were times when I felt like I could move more fluidly because the board moved with me instead of being stagnant underneath me. I love the serenity and peacefulness that comes with yoga practice but I've found it to be even more calming to be on the water while doing yoga. I'm sure I'll be headed out onto the water again...if you're ever in town and are up for a SUP class, please let me know!

What have you done recently that challenged you in a new way? 
I would love to hear about it!

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