
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Jen's WRAD Blogging Challenge #3

The anticipation of World Read Aloud Day on March 6th is building! I've seen lots of people talking about their plans on Twitter. It looks like many classes will be Skyping with other classes or authors. Super fun!  Today stars the third week in the WRAD Blogging Challenge!  Make sure to visit to sign up for World Read Aloud Day and for ideas for how you can celebrate World Read Aloud Day! 

Week 3: February 24 – March 2

A Snapshot of My Reading Life

I was excited for last week's prompt...but this one is super fun, too! This year, I challenged myself to read a book every day and to take a picture with a book every day. It's been a lot of fun so far. I find myself pushing myself to read something new every day and have been reading lots of picture books and early readers that I may not have picked up otherwise. 

Here is one of my daily book pictures:
Little Bean, me, and (a tired) Peanut
Every night, we read books in our house before bedtime. This is a picture of me and my two kiddos after we finished reading Copperheads. This was a book that Peanut brought home from school. All year long he has been bringing home a library book every week and every time it has been a non-fiction book. I wondered if his teacher or the librarian was encouraging the kids to check out non-fiction but he can check out anything that he wants...and apparently he enjoys non-fiction. We have read so many books about snakes. We've read lots of fiction picture books and some non-fiction but now that he is in kindergarten we've been reading a lot more non-fiction. 

I love snuggling in close with these two boys and sharing stories (...or facts) every night. I'm so glad that we have made this part of our nightly routine. I can't imagine not winding down with books. With all the books we have read, we have learned a lot but we have also strengthened the bond that we have with each other through reading aloud and sharing the wonderful experience. 

One thing I really love about the book pics I have been taking is that I have a snapshot of my reading life every day. I love the books and reading that I do as much as the people I share my reading experiences with. Hooray for bookish snapshots! What would be in your snapshot? (Or share a link to your post so I can visit!)


  1. This is so great. I too read every night with my little ones. My son brings home all nonfiction including craft books and cookbooks.


  2. Have you all seen Nic Bishop's SNAKES? Sure to be a favorite.
