
Friday, September 10, 2010

Blog Hop!

I'm joining a blog hop for the first time at Teach Mentor Texts!  I was thinking about everyone going back to school and all the great books out there.  Hopefully this is a chance to check out other book blogs and see if there's anything you would want in your classroom library!

I decided to join the The Blogger Hop and Follow Friday.  The Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View. They created these memes to give bloggers and readers a chance to network, support each other and find new blogs to read & enjoy.  Thanks to Book Soulmates for giving me this great idea!  Love them!

So to join in I have to:
Post a link to a favorite post or book review that you 
have written in the past three months.

Here it is: It's a link to my review of Knuffle Bunny that I did recently.  I just love that book and it reminds me so much of Peanut so I love it even more.  He loves to read about Trixie and her trip to the laundromat!

And to join Follow Friday I have to decide (gasp!) eBook or print.
I have to say that I'm really a print person at heart, but I've been reading one eBook on my laptop that I was asked to review and I'm loving it.  I've kind of been longing for an eReader lately because it's not that easy to breastfeed/pump while holding a huge book in one hand or even to lug around a big book in my diaper bag.  It would be much more convenient to be able to just throw the Kindle or the Nook into my bag and be on my merry way.  For now I'm more of a print girl...but that may change.  I am definitely an audio girl when I've got the chance, too!  

The baby bean is awake and wants to play but I'll be back to blog hop later.  If you're new to Teach Mentor Texts, welcome!  Please leave me a message and let me know what you think!  :)


  1. Found you through FF and am now a follower!!

    Please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway!

  2. Hello, found you at The Hop.
    I think the hop is a marvelous way to meet bloggers both old and new.
    I'm #95, Just stopped by to wish you a great weekend and check out your blog.
    This week my trip to the Hop is brought to you by the number 6.
    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  3. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm following you too! I love that you review kids books because I have 3 avid readers (ages 2,5 & 7) and I'm always looking for new books for them! Congrats on your new baby (pretty cute by the way!) and looking forward to following your blog!

  4. Hi there!

    Lovely blog you have here, just making my round via hop, this week I'm trying really hard to reach 300 (four to go!) so if you follow me then I follow you!

    Lisa (Badass Bookie)

  5. Hi
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!


  6. New follower here, late from the hop. I love your blog...simple but elegant!

    ●▬▬▬๑۩Tina @ Book Couture۩๑▬▬▬●
